Atlantic Ocean: Listing Companies that specialize on assets based on the Atlantic Ocean on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Atlantic Ocean: Listing Companies that specialize on assets based on the Atlantic Ocean on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange generally focus on the following assets:

–          oil and gas fields firm listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange

–          fishing based firms and commodities related to such listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

–          Sand and gravel aggregates firms listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

–          Placer deposits listed on the Frankfurt Stock exchange, including, polymetallic nodules, and precious stones

Also the coastal areas along the Atlantic Ocean have become home to several global wind farms, wave-to-energy, tidal energy, and other alternative energy listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Naturally shipping firms, transportation, and logistics firms operate across the Atlantic Ocean.

There are also desalinization plants that utilize the region, all of which are rich investment areas to consider.

If you are a firm looking to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or a company with assets located or based on the Atlantic Ocean, contact